thy blog owner.
is not blessed with big eyes, sharp nose, overbite, clear skin, curly hair, double eyelids, skinny face, long body, big breasts, skinny arms, slim thighs and a skinny body.

but she is blessed with a family, great friends, a handphone, computer, headphones, 160cm.

i lemon, honeydew, cinnamon, watermelon, lychee and all other goodness in life. i like spastic people. :D



hear your voice.

the big big world.
Chemistry > YOU
Jun Ming
Kiat Han
Pei Kheng
Qi Xiang
Ryan Chia

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    spontaneous applause.
    Layout: materialisti-c

    Thursday, April 30, 2009
    Title : GROW!
    Time : 8:34 PM

    I want to grow
    I want to grow grow grow

    I want to be strong
    I want to be strong strong strong

    I want to be tall
    I want to be tall tall tall

    that's why
    we love

    G. R. O. W.



    ran around school finding teachers to help pull my grades up. i can't believe i failed 4 tests. i failed chemistry be half mark T_T

    tomorrow, beeyan will be a changed woman and study hard for all her examinations. beeyan will never do last minute work, never hand up homework late. never go to detention anymore, never go find teacher to do last minute consultation anymore!

    on the other hand, i suck at catching things. i can't even catch a marker that was thrown to me 3 times within a range of 1 metre.

    Wednesday, April 29, 2009
    Title : sian
    Time : 8:08 PM

    i think that i got problems with handing up homework on time.
    Tuesday, April 28, 2009
    Title : goodbye my love
    Time : 7:42 PM

    PICK UP TO BAR 34!
    goodbye my love,

    school was crap today. my skin started itching again :/
    only enjoyed the time after school at band store.
    Monday, April 27, 2009
    Title : school
    Time : 6:58 PM

    having hell of a headache now.
    school has nothing for me to look forward to now.
    Sunday, April 26, 2009
    Title : entrance and exit
    Time : 9:05 PM

    take a toll, i'll remain indifferent.
    i have my reasons.
    Title : for fun, joy, peace and laughter
    Time : 1:15 PM

    Tally the results up, and the end total will tell you what percent of an idiot you are :)

    1. [ ] Forgot to put the lid on the blender, turned it on, and had everything fly out
    2. [ ] Gotten your head stuck between the stair rails
    3. [x] Broken a chair by leaning back in it
    4. [ ]Had gum fall out of your mouth while you were talking
    5. [x] Choked on your own spit while you were talking
    6. [ ] Had people tell you that you are blonde when you're not, or had people tell you that your blonde highlights are going to your head
    7. [ ] Been caught staring at your crush by your crush
    8. [x] Have looked for something for at least 5 min then realized it was in your hand
    9. [x] Tried to push open a door that said pull
    10.[x] Tried to pull open a door that said push

    Running total: 5

    11. [ ] Have actually believed someone when they said that they knew how to make a love-potion
    12. [x] Have hit yourself in the process of trying to hit something else
    13. [x] Have tripped and fallen UP the stairs
    14. [ ] Have actually exploded marshmallows in the microwave
    15. [ ] Have gotten gum stuck in your hair
    16. [ ] Had gum fall out of your mouth while trying to blow a bubble
    17. [ ] Have had the juice from a mini tomato squirt out and hit somebody else when you bit into it
    18. [ ] Have had your drink come out your nose because you were laughing so hard
    19. [x] Have called one of your good friends by the wrong name
    20. [ ] Have skinned your toe because you were playing soccer or kickball with flip flops on or you were barefoot

    Running total: 8

    21. [ ] Have put a sticker on your forehead, forgot it was there, and went out in public with it on
    22. [ ] Have fallen out of a moving vehicle
    23. [x] Have run into a closed door
    24. [x] Searched for your cell phone while you were talking on it
    25. [x] It has taken you longer than 5 min to get a joke
    26. [x] Have gotten your hair stuck in a blow dryer
    27. [ ] Have gotten your hair stuck in a fan
    28. [x] Tripped on a crack in the sidewalk
    29. [ ] Said o'clock after saying how many min after the hour, example: 5:30 o'clock, or 6:15 o'clock

    Running total: 13

    30. [ ] After someone told you that there was gum on the ground, you stepped in it
    31. [x] Put on a white shirt even though you already knew it was raining outside
    32. [x] Have ever walked up to a stranger because you thought they were someone else
    33. [ ] Ever been kicked out of a grocery store/off their property
    34. [ ] Touched the stove, the curling iron, a hot pan, etc when its on, even though you knew it was hot
    35. [x] Taken off your clothes to change into something else then accidentally put the old clothes back on
    36. [x] Wondered why something wasn't working then realized it wasn't plugged in
    37. [ ]Put the cereal in the fridge, or put the milk in the cupboard
    38. [x] Walked into a pole or a wall.
    39. [ ] Wore two different earrings or shoes by accident/stolen someones shoes by accident

    Running total: 19

    40. [x] Put your shirt on backwards/inside-out without realizing it then left your house
    41. [ ] Tried to take a picture of someone's eye with the flash on
    42. [ ] Gotten a ring stuck on your finger because you put it on even though you knew it was too small
    43. [ ] Walked out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to your shoe without realizing it
    44. [x] Went to go do something/go get something, then when you got there, you forgot what it is was that you were going to do
    45. [x] Picked up someone else's drink and drank out of it by accident when your drink was right next to it
    46. [ ] Fallen out of your chair while trying to pick something up
    47. [ ] Have poked yourself in the eye
    48. [ ] Have gotten in the shower with your socks still on.
    49. [ ] Melted your hairbrush while blow drying your hair

    Running total: 22

    50. [ ] Have done enough stupid things to make a test
    51. [x] Have accidentally stabbed yourself with a pencil
    52. [x] Have sung the wrong verse to a song without realizing it
    53. [ ] Have given an odd answer to a question because you didn't hear the question in the first place and didn't feel like asking what it was
    54. [ ] Told someone you were the wrong age because you seriously forgot how old you were
    55. [ ] Looked into an overhead purposefully while it was on
    56. [ ]Got up early and got ready for school/work, then realized that you didn't have school/work that day
    57. [ ] Forgot your own phone number
    58. [ ] Have tripped on a cord after someone told you to watch out for it
    59. [x] Have ever laughed at a joke that no one else thought was funny

    Running total: 25

    60. [ ] Done the Macarena to the electric slide or vice versa
    61. [ ] Said funner then had someone make fun of you for it
    62. [x] Have repeated yourself at least twice in the same sentence
    63. [x] Brought up an inside joke with the wrong person
    64. [ ] Didn't do the backside of an assignment because you thought that there wasn't one because you had already looked and forgot that there was another side
    65. [x] Did more work than you had to on an assignment because you didn't read the directions
    66. [x] Corrected someone's grammar/pronunciation then figured out that you were the one that was wrong
    67. [x] put something in a special place so that you would remember where it was, then forgot where you put it
    68. [x] Put ice in your drink after the glass was full of liquid and had it splash out
    69. [x] Told a lie then forgot what it was that you had said and got caught

    Running total: 32

    70. [ ] When wearing goggles, you pulled them away from your face and let go so that they would come back and snap you in the face
    71. [ ] Forgot to make sure that the lamp was off before you replaced the light bulb
    72. [x] Ran into a door jam
    73. [x] Told someone that you hardly ever do stupid things, then immediately did/said something stupid
    74. [x] Told someone to watch out for something, then you were the one that ran into it
    75. [ ] Have purposely licked playground sand
    76. [x] Have purposely and repeatedly flicked yourself with a rubber band
    77. [ ] Gotten so hyper that someone actually thought you were drunk when you weren't.
    78. [ ] Have been so hyper you actually scared people
    79. [ ] Put duct tape on your body then pulled it off to see if it would hurt

    Running total: 36

    80. [ ] Put duct tape on your hair/someone else's hair then pulled it off
    81. [x] Put a clothes pin/hair clip on your lip, figured out that it hurt, then did it again
    82. [ ] Sat and wondered why men's dress shirts have a loop on the back
    83. [x] Made up a code name for someone so that you could talk about them to someone else and no one else would know who you were talking about.
    84. [ ] Have gotten a hairbrush stuck in your hair.
    85. [ ] Used the straw to blow the straw wrapper at someone .
    86. [x] Shaved your tongue because you thought your taste buds looked funny
    87. [ ] When at a restaurant, you used your spoon to fling stuff at people
    88. [ ] Have flung forks at people in a restaurant
    89. [ ] Tripped and made the waiter drop the food.

    Running total: 39

    90. [x] As you are writing, you move your head back and forth with your pen/pencil
    91. [ ] Have drawn finger puppets on your fingers then named them
    92. [ ] Have wrapped someone in a roll of toilet paper
    93. [x] Have used somebody else's toothbrush without even realizing it wasn't yours
    94. [x] Have started telling a story and forget what you were talking about or what happened in the story
    95. [x] Read a whole book but during the whole book you weren’t even paying attention
    96. [x] You have spelled your own first name wrong before
    97. [x] You have spelled you own last name wrong before
    98. [x] When lying in bed you look for pictures in the texture of the ceiling
    99. [x] Have used your calculator as a form of communication in a class
    100.[x] Have popped a balloon in your mouth

    Running total: 48
    Saturday, April 25, 2009
    Title :
    Time : 6:03 PM

    the weather nowadays is really crap. band room on till 18 degrees still feel hot.

    stand up, stand out, and fight again.
    Friday, April 24, 2009
    Title :
    Time : 7:32 PM



    wahahah thanks Wenshee for those pictures

    had speech day today. my leg is killing me already. run barefooted here and there and here and there and here and there and here and there. and i was stupid enough to walk home with court shoes. regretted so much now.


    Thursday, April 23, 2009
    Title : band
    Time : 7:37 PM

    i don't know whether i'm up to the job already. maybe he's a better candidate than me.
    Wednesday, April 22, 2009
    Title : PAUL HENG!
    Time : 7:33 PM

    screwed up both oral.

    went to find angela and yongxin after that to decorate the section cupboard.

    hahaha i love paul's handwriting



    omg i feel like taking this banner down and hanging it at the section cupboard.

    sometimes, things just kills me.

    Tuesday, April 21, 2009
    Title : more moneyyyy
    Time : 9:06 PM

    is it just me or the new ezlink card just look so so so so so much like a telephone card? the ones where you use when queuing up for 15 minutes in primary school at the canteen just to call your mum to inform them that you're staying back.

    small eyes, single eyelids, ugly nose, thick lips, pimples, black heads, oily face
    life sucks.
    Monday, April 20, 2009
    Title : oh god
    Time : 10:17 PM

    i feel like dying seriously. day dream in classes, major leg cramps when i sleep. wth is thissssssss? want to sleep also cannot sleep properly.

    chemistry test tomorrow.
    chemistry chemistry chemistry.

    4 more days to paul stepping down :(

    life is a game where the prettier always win

    Sunday, April 19, 2009
    Title : paper cranes again
    Time : 11:46 PM

    more more more!

    this weekend weather so hot sia. hot till bathe come out immediately start sweating again. hot till drink a lot of ice water also no use.

    i fell in love
    when i was young i started noticing you
    i missed you so much when i'm a child
    now i'm a teenager
    and you came back
    i'm going to pursue my love.

    KEEPS BE HAPPY AND CONCENTRATED ON A MATHS (even thought i don't really understand)

    speaking of hot weather. full penguin suit at parade ground tomorrow T_T very effective sauna.
    Title : I screwed up 42% of my teenage life
    Time : 11:39 AM

    [ ] Gotten detention.
    [ ] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
    [ ] Gotten suspended.
    [ ] Gotten caught chewing gum.
    [ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test.

    Total: 0

    [ ] Arrived late to class more than 5 times.
    [X] Didn’t do homework over 5 times
    [ ] Turned at least 3 projects in late
    [X] Missed school cause you felt like it.
    [ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.

    Total : 2

    [ ] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school.
    [X] Texted people during class.
    [X] Passed notes.
    [ ] Threw stuff across the room.
    [X] Laughed at the teacher.

    Total : 5

    [ ] Pulled Down The Fire Alarm.
    [ ] Went on Myspace , Facebook , Xanga , etc. on the computer at school.
    [X] Took Pictures during school hours
    [X] Called someone during School hours.
    [ ] Listened to an iPod , CD , etc... During class.

    Total : 7

    [ ] Threw something at the teacher
    [X] Went outside the classroom without permission.
    [ ] Broke the dress code.
    [X] Failed a class test.
    [X] Ate food during class.

    Total : 10

    [ ] Gotten a call from school.
    [ ] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.
    [X] Didn’t take your stuff to school.
    [ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go.
    [ ] Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking.
    [ ] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear.

    Total : 11

    [X]Faked your parents signature
    [X]Slept in class.
    [ ]Cursed at a teacher to their face
    [X]Copied homework

    Total: 14


    Tag 10 of your friends.
    Do if you want :/

    Then Repost this & put the Title as "I screwed up --% of my teenage life"
    Saturday, April 18, 2009
    Title : red paper cranes
    Time : 7:59 PM

    Mummy: 有 peempur 才有人注意你嘛。 (got pimple then got peopel notice you ma)
    Papa: 有 peempur 才美! (got pimple then pretty)

    life is sad :(

    Friday, April 17, 2009
    Title : paper cranes
    Time : 9:27 PM

    i am going to fold many many cranes! :D

    went out with Adolphus and Ashley to mall. now i owe a lot of people money. thought that my wallet still had a lot of money so didn't take pocket money for today. after very very long then i realised that i emptied my wallet's notes and coins yesterday.

    and zomg! POST 400 :O
    a beginning signals an ending.
    Thursday, April 16, 2009
    Title : touching story
    Time : 7:13 PM

    touching story ahead. don't read if you don't want to feel sad for the rest of the day.

    The girl in the picture is Katie Kirkpatrick, she is 21 . Next to her, her fiancé, Nick, 23.
    The picture was taken shortly before their wedding ceremony, held on January 11, 2005 in the US . Katie has terminal cancer and spend hours a day receiving medication.
    In the picture, Nick is waiting for her on one of the many sessions of chemo to end.

    In spite of all the pain, organ failures, and morphine shots, Katie is going along with her wedding and took care of every detail. The dress had to be adjusted a few times due to her constant weight loss

    An unusual accessory at the party was the oxygen tube that ketie used throughout the ceremony and reception as well. The other couple in the picture are Nick's parents. Excited to see her son marrying his high school sweetheart.

    Katie, in her wheelchair with the oxygen tube , listening a song from her husband and friends

    At the reception, katie had to take a few rests.The pain do not let her to be standing up for long periods

    Katie died five days after her wedding day. Watching a women so ill and weak getting married and with a smile on her face makes us think.....

    Happiness is reachable, no matter how long it last. We should stop making our lives complicated.

    Life is short
    Break the rules
    forgive quickly, love truly
    laugh constantly
    And never stop smiling
    no matter how strange life is
    Life is not always the party we expected to be
    but as long as we are here, we should smile and be grateful.

    Wednesday, April 15, 2009
    Title : quizxzzx
    Time : 8:48 PM

    got sabo-ed

    1. Name 5 people to do this quiz
    since nataline already tag joey and adolphus..


    2. Your name
    Tan Bee Yan

    3. Your age

    4. Attached/Single
    Single BUT I AM HAPPY!

    5. Five of your closest friend

    6. Your 2 favourite colour

    7. Storybook/comic

    8. Do you have a crush

    9. Has an unknown person asked you for your number before
    it's a female T____T

    10. If yes , did you give your number to the person who asked

    11. Name two girl

    12. Name two guy friends that you are close to

    13. Do you play online games
    used to

    14. Do you play maple story
    used to

    15. Do you play audition
    used to

    16. Favourite numbers
    3, 5, 7, 17!

    17. Favourite Alphabats
    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    18. Hotmail Url


    19. Would you go out with your stead or friends

    20. Do you trust your stead
    no stead
    no face no body no one loves me :(

    21. Money or friends

    22. Stead or friends

    23. Anime or drama

    24. Best girl - friend

    25. Best guy friend
    Title :
    Time : 7:58 PM

    Paul: I can see you.
    Me: I saw you and 41 together
    Paul: Damn.
    Me: Hor hor. Progress to fast already hor.
    Paul: Shut up. I'll be singer forever
    Me: You lying lor. Think i don't know. See your face when you talking to her like you dying to marry her 5 years later and make her become mrs heng
    Paul: Don't be a schmuck.
    Me: What's that? o.o
    Paul: Something like you

    and so i went to search on what's schmuck.

    i hate you paul >:(
    Tuesday, April 14, 2009
    Title : quizzxzxzxzxzz!
    Time : 9:17 PM

    Quiz to kill time!

    90. First off, what is your name?

    89. What did you do last night?
    studying biology

    88. Do you have a good friend that you can talk to 24/7?
    not really :/

    87. Do you have any siblings?

    86. How many years apart is your mom and dad?

    85. Do you like someone?
    friends counted?

    84. What does the 7th message in your text inbox say?
    "We have theoratically stepped down. I think it's allowed.... blaballbbla" - Paul heng bao luo

    83. Who sits beside you in maths?

    82. Where is your dad right now?
    Room sleeping

    81. Do you burn incense?

    80. Do you have a problem?
    yea :/

    79. Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from?
    Benjamin Chia

    78. Closest purple object?
    my notebook that i bombed a lot on

    79. Closest silver object?

    76. Closest yellow object?

    75. Do you sing in the shower?
    can't. later my mum complain

    74. What is bugging you right now?

    73. How does your hair look right now?
    a lion with fringe kallipoked up

    72. Do you know all the words to the Star Spangled Banner?
    huh whats that

    71. When is the last time you said the pledge of allegiance?

    70. If you could kill someone, who would it be?
    sorry, innocent girl don't kill people one

    69. Do you have any fears?
    yea. getting acne, overweight, fail as dm, flunk mid year, being alone, etc

    68. What do you hear right now?
    Bella luna!
    bella lunaaaa a a a
    my beautiful, beautiful luna

    67. Do you like kangaroos?
    never thought of that :/

    66. Can you roll your tongue?

    65. What are you wearing?
    dunman blouse, dunman high shorts >_>

    64. Who was the last person to message you?
    Angela. to haolian that she met paul at the bus stop >:/

    63. Do you like emo kids?
    not really

    62. Screamo or Country?

    61. Rock or Rap?

    60. Polka or Disco?

    59. Flying or Driving?

    58. Who last called you?

    57. Was your Valentine's day nice?
    YESSSSS! celebrated with five

    56. What are you doing now?
    doing this quiz, going gaga over kindachi

    55. Who was the last person you said I love you to?

    54. Would you die for someone?

    53. Would you date anyone from your work?

    52. Do long distance relationships work?
    true love can overcome any difficulties

    51. Do you have any pet peeves?
    whats pet peeves?

    50. Do you have to pee right now?

    49. When did you last talk to one of your siblings?
    an hour ago

    48. What are you doing tomorrow?

    47. Do you worry about getting older?
    yes and especially if i can't get married :/

    46. Have you ever had an ingrown toenail?
    i think so..

    45. Do you pick your scabs?
    yes >_>

    44. Ever drink your blood?

    43. Do your bandaids have cartoons on them?

    42. Do you bite your nails?

    41. Do you wax your eyebrows?
    nope. mummy help me pluck

    40. Missing question

    39. Do you check CelebPox.com for celebrity gossip?

    38. Do you have a jar where you keep your loose change?
    nope.. stuff everything into my pocket

    37. Do you own a pogo stick?

    36. Ever gone a whole day without eating?
    yea. fell sick after that lol

    35. Do you own ripped jeans?

    34. What makes you mad?
    i don't know actually. ranges from time to time

    33. What would you do if you found out that you were adopted?

    32. Are you jealous a lot of the time?

    31. Do you use a calendar or day planner to schedule everything on?
    yes my holy, almighty, with many pictures of five and paul slotted inside, purple notebook

    30. Are you OCD?

    29. Do you have ADD?

    28. Do you have low self esteem?
    yea :/

    27. Who can make you laugh during the hardest time?

    26. What was the last thing you watched on TV?
    just now

    25. When was the last time you had professional pictures taken?
    class photo..?

    24. Have you done a whitening treatment on your teeth?

    23. What is your favorite movie?
    its been long since i last watched a movie o_o

    22. Who do you love?
    me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me

    21. What is playing on your MP3 player right now?
    Breakdown - Plain White T's

    20. What holiday is your birthday closest to?

    19. What's your favorite drink?
    super cold plain water

    18. Do you own any big sunglasses?

    17. Bed sheet color?

    16. Ever encountered a shark?

    15. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
    hopefully in the future :(

    14. Have you ever bungee jumped?
    nope. when i rebounce up, my heart will like remain down there

    13. Where was the last place you went besides your house?

    15. Thing you notice about the same sex?

    11. Is it hard to express your feelings to someone?
    never tried to

    10. Why are people such self-centered beings?
    because life is such a mystery and you can't help but think only for yourself at times

    9. Are you sad?
    mixed feelings?

    8. Are you happy?

    7. Favorite day of the year?

    6. Have you ever licked someone's cheek?

    5. Watched all Spiderman movies?

    4. What are you looking forward to?

    3. Favorite Lucky Charms Marshmallow?
    whats that?

    2. Have you ever ridden in a limo?

    1. Do you want to get married?
    YESSSS <:D

    sian. the eye twitching is really becoming very bad. everyday can twitch up to ten times. and unexpected things really happens awhile after my eye twitches. :/..

    oh yes i can't believe i failed my sit ups hahaha. some more i did only like 11 and now my stomach is having muscle cramps all over =_=

    good role model here i comeeeeeee!
    Monday, April 13, 2009
    Title : first day as drum major
    Time : 6:10 PM


    bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test bio test



    oh yea. assembly songs sure brought back memories

    Sunday, April 12, 2009
    Title : moar domo kun
    Time : 1:18 PM

    more more more domo kunzxzxz!
    yes going to shopping with family later! i'll worry about the homework later when i'm back home.
    Saturday, April 11, 2009
    Title :
    Time : 2:10 PM

    i love my bag.
    time is passing very veryyyy veryyyyyyyyyy slowly but i don't want to shop alone again.

    oh ya,
    1 2 3
    3 2 1
    NUMBER 1!

    Friday, April 10, 2009
    Title : domokun
    Time : 5:07 PM

    meet my new friend.

    went to Tampines1 again today cause i was very bored at home.
    wa today all the aunties damn fierce okay. here push there push everywhere push push. in more than words heard two glass break sounds in like 5 minutes. the first glass cup break, everybody go "ohhhhhh" then silence. then second glass cup break nobody care already.

    Thursday, April 09, 2009
    Title : tampines1
    Time : 8:50 PM

    tampines1 is hell i tell you.

    new status, new responsibility
    a whole new challenge.

    i'm going to devote myself to band and BFFs!

    after band went to tampines1. it was omg-crowded i tell you. once you step inside, its like a maze. with glass at the handles there for tikopeks on the first floor to see upskirts. and wth the lights inside are like so damn bright, my head practically spins. wa and the amount of people inside is like omg =_= i will never see tampines the same way i did again.
    Wednesday, April 08, 2009
    Title : skyhigh
    Time : 8:46 PM

    i can feel the clouds in me giving way
    hope i can revert back to who i was before (if i was nice in the first place)
    let me shine again yea? :)
    with or without this, i won't cripple myself.
    i'll treasure what i have more than ever

    Title : sigh
    Time : 4:53 PM

    today marks seven.

    effort, sweat, patience, pain for so long.
    down the drain in seconds.

    something to distract me:
    iTunes quiz

    1. How am I feeling today?:
    Misery Business - Paramore
    "I'm in the business of misery"

    2. Will I get far in life?
    Breakdown - Plain White Tees
    holy shit.

    3. How do my friends see me?:
    Mr Brightside - McFly
    right. someone with frequent mood swings.

    4. When will I get Married?:
    Heels over head - Boys like Girls
    "I'm the first to fall, last to know
    where you'd go?"

    5. What is my best friend's theme song?:
    Shine - Plain White Tees
    "Run away, run away
    But that won't make it any better
    Run away, run away
    And make tomorrow harder to live than today"

    6. What is the story of my life?:
    Way back into love - Hugh Grant
    "I've been lonely for so long
    Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move one"

    7. What is/was highschool like?:
    Sorry's not good enough - McFly
    "Don't go changing."

    8. How can I get ahead in life?
    Viva La Vida - Coldplay
    "Now in the morning I sleep alone
    Sweep the streets I used to own"

    9. What is the best thing about me?
    That's what you get - Paramore
    "I still try to hold onto silly things"

    10. How is today going to be?
    The Remedy - Jason Mraz
    "I won't worry my life away.

    I won't worry my life away.

    I won't and I won't and I won't "

    11. What is in store for this weekend?:
    Umbrella - McFly
    "when the sun shine, we'll shine together"

    12.What song describes my parents?:
    Coyotes - Jason Mraz
    "You know we should be, we should be together"

    13. To describe my grandparents?
    Winter Wonderland - Jason Mraz
    A beautiful sight,
    We're happy tonight.
    Walking in a winter wonderland."

    14. How is my life going?:
    All summer long - Kid Rock
    "While we were trying different things
    and we were smoking funny things"

    15. What song will they play at my funeral?:
    A lonely September - Plain White Tees
    "I'm sittin' here all by myself
    just tryin' to think of something to do
    Tryin' to think of something, anything
    just to keep me from thinking of you
    But you know it's not working out
    'cause you're all that's on my mind
    One thought of you is all it takes
    to leave the rest of the world behind"

    16. How does the world see me?:
    Fall for you - Secondhand Serenade
    "Best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting"

    17. Will I have a Happy Life?
    Someday - Plain White Tees
    "Someday we'll have what we wanted
    someday we'll want what's better
    someday we'll all live forever"

    18. What do my friends really think of me?:
    Thunder - Boys like Girls
    "Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer
    Do you know you're unlike any other?"
    i hope :(

    19. Do people secretly lust after me?:
    Check Yes Juliet - We the Kings

    20. How can I make myself happy?:
    All about you - McFly
    "And I would answer all you're wishes, if you asked me to.
    But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do.
    So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do.
    Dancing on the kitchen tiles, it's all about you.

    21. What should I do with my life?:
    Love today - Mika
    "Everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today, gonna love today
    everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today"

    22. Will I ever have children?
    Crush - David Archuleta
    Getting married is already a miracle.

    23. What is some good advice for me?:
    Everybody knows - McFly
    "it's what everybody calls growing up yeah"

    24. What's that smell?
    The Great Escape - Boys like Girls

    25. What is my signature dancing song?:
    Butterfly - Jason Mraz
    i can't dance

    26. What do I think my current theme song is?:
    Bella Luna - Jason Mraz
    "May I suggest you get the best
    Of your wish may I insist"

    27. What does everyone else think my current theme song is?:
    If I were a boy - Beyonce
    "You don't listen to her
    You don't care how it hurts"

    28. What type of men/women do you like?:
    Lucky - Jason Mraz

    29. How do you feel about yourself at this point in time?
    Broken Strings - James Morrison
    "i try to move on but it hurts too much
    i try to forgive but it's not enough
    to make it all okay"
    this quiz made my day worse. didnt' really notice the lyrics until i searched for every one of them
    Tuesday, April 07, 2009
    Title :
    Time : 9:04 PM

    i'm feeling miserable.
    Monday, April 06, 2009
    Title : marriage
    Time : 11:01 PM

    the tombstone of love, where love starts to wilt.
    where people start to neglect and take each other for granted.
    where people turn into hypocrites, yet don't have the littlest idea of what's going on.
    wrote a composition about marriage today. mine sucked.

    oh yes today sucked as well.
    the eye twitching still didn't stop even though syf is over. we sounded quite nice in the recording.

    and damn, i can't feel any shit emotions anymore.

    when was the last time i laughed naturally?
    Sunday, April 05, 2009
    Title : dear diary
    Time : 10:02 PM

    Dear diary,

    please seal my mood swings away and let my life be an epic story like it once was.

    crap. i sound like some spoilt self-proclaim princess.
    700 word 作文, HERE I COME!
    Title : impossible
    Time : 4:02 PM

    meant to be found at every setback. yet it didn't for this.
    its as though i'm waiting for something thats impossible to happen.

    got woke up by sms this morning.
    i dread homeworks. especially those which are completely useless in your dream occupation. i'm slowly recovering from the shock of syf. but everything leaves scars don't they?
    Saturday, April 04, 2009
    Title : love is like wind
    Time : 12:14 PM

    you can't see it but you can feel it
    it hits you out of nowhere and yet you can't find it
    you run after it but there's nothing to chase

    Friday, April 03, 2009
    Title : emotions
    Time : 9:58 PM

    it makes people go crazy.

    2 years. my passion and loyalty for this two years, just for this moment. i was disappointed.

    setbacks one after another, and another. this time rainbow's not here to help. crying wasn't enough. it sort of made me feel worse, and i had a hard time trying to stop. disappointment, fury, jealousy, clueless, lost all blended into one and it doesn't feel nice at all. i said i'm giving up but i'm unconciously getting more attached. a part of me just refuses to let go. each time i receive a sms, i hope. it doesn't fill up now.

    thanks joey, nataline, genevieve, angela, jiahui, jasmine, sixuan, aiwey, jaslyn, and many others who told me not to cry anymore.

    and like joey said, not worth my tears and concern.
    Thursday, April 02, 2009
    Title : syf countdown
    Time : 7:49 PM

    tomorrow's the day. are you up to the challenge?

    i'm very pissed this week. i really don't understand what you're doing.
    is it really that important? i hate this year's you. stop coming and going and coming and going.

    oh wait.
    you never came back.

    St Joseph's Institution GOT GWH FOR JERICHO ALSO!
    Wednesday, April 01, 2009
    Title : syf countdown
    Time : 8:28 PM

    if that can overrule this friendship, i should stop caring about you.
    goodbye and don't come back.